Courses offered through the science department seek to develop understanding of science principals through hands-on, skills-based instruction. Classes focus on engineering, physics, biology, and chemistry, supporting the instruction of technical content delivered in the 13 vocational programs. Additionally, curriculum in the 9th and 10th grades focuses on preparation for the Statewide Science exams. The Science curriculum aligns with the 2016 Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering (STE) Curriculum Framework (2016 MA STE Curriculum Framework) and the Common Core Frameworks. Our courses reinforce skills such as critical thinking and problem solving with professional career readiness as the primary goal for all of our students. Students are required to take science for all four years at FCTS.
9th Grade
The Human Biology/Health course focuses on the concepts of human anatomy & physiology. Topics include the digestive, circulatory, nervous, respiratory, muscular, and skeletal systems, and health issues associated with them. Student learning is facilitated through lectures, laboratory work, computer simulations, and audio and video presentations as well as a range of projects such as the dissection of simple organisms, construction of a diet plans, and microscopic analysis of tissue groups. Students enrolled in this course would progress to sophomore biology for their next science course and take the Biology State Assessment during their sophomore year.
Introductory Physics 1 is meant to be the first of two courses that will prepare students to take the Introductory Physics MCAS. Kinematics, Forces and Newton’s Laws, Circular and Planetary Motion, Impulse and Momentum, and Energy Work and Power will be presented with concepts preceding calculations. A yearlong project that includes building a skateboard, testing various components and safety gear, and analyzing the Unity Park Skatepark will give students enrolled in the physics program at Franklin County Technical School a solid grounding in applications related to the concepts we are seeking understanding, and the calculations we are hoping to perform. This class is sure to invigorate learners across the spectrum.
10th Grade
BIOLOGY II (Grade 10)
The central topics in this introductory semester-long Biology course are the chemistry of life, cell biology, genetics, evolution & biodiversity, & ecology. Student learning is facilitated through lectures, laboratory work, computer simulations, and audio and video presentations as well as a range of projects such as evolution simulations, ecosystem construction, college level genetics work and wet lab analysis Students enrolled in this course will take the Biology MCAS during the spring of their sophomore year.
In your second year of physics we will continue in both the spirit and attitude of Introductory Physics 1 by encouraging concepts before calculations, and ensuring our topics of study are grounded in industry application. A yearlong theme of natural building will be the vehicle through which we study thermal physics, electricity and magnetism, and oscillations and waves. This class will surely excite students as they journey through history, visit intellectual giants, apply concepts, and get their hands dirty.
(Introductory Physics 2 is meant to be the second of two courses that will prepare students to take the Introductory Physics MCAS.)
11th and 12th Grades
Students will alternate their science courses between junior and senior years to ensure that all students have a foundation in both Engineering and Chemistry.
Scientific literacy is achieved as students inquire about chemical phenomena. The curriculum includes substantial hands-on laboratory and computer simulations to develop and use scientific skills in chemistry, along with inquiry skills applicable to science, student’s technical programs, and life in general. Concepts include the properties of matter, atomic structure, nuclear chemistry, periodicity, chemical bonding and reactions, and stoichiometry. Major emphasis is placed on forming hypotheses based on observations, scientific articles, experiments, and knowledge, as well as articulation of investigation concepts and purpose. Classwork includes scientific investigations, conducting experiments, and laboratory work (proper use of lab equipment and materials as well as following strict safety guidelines).
Foundations of Engineering is a rigorous, in-depth, hands-on engineering and technology program that is available to students in either their junior or senior year at FCTS. This curriculum was developed from the Massachusetts Department of Secondary Education’s Science Frameworks and the Common Core Frameworks.
Through hands-on projects, students will explore the concepts of the Engineering Design Process (EDP), Engineering Design Sketching, Prototyping, computer-based 3D design and 3D printing, and Structural Design and Testing.
Projects Include: Structural design and materials testing, designing and constructing scale models of: gear driven electric motor-powered monster trucks, bridges, medieval siege equipment, and magnetic levitation vehicles